
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Futuristic Infantry 9

I linger over breakfast Saturday morning. A hungover Meena joins me, "so, hear you went for a ride."
"Wasn't me did the slaughter, Dunvegan Dragoons."
"Oh, you mean that smart ass Arezou. Bet she loved every moment of it. Rumor has it she's big, huge, in the local S&M (Sadism & Masochism) scene."
I nod.
Meena shrugs, "any idea how much reprogramming costs? Especially when you consider mosta them droids have used up more than half their useful time span."
"Sickening, no civilized society should do that."
"Lot you know, we ain't civilized, ain't been in years."
I ponder, why bother to argue? I shrug.
Less cocky, she continues, "didn't you see lotsa crazy stuff happen in New Guinea and Sudan? This craziness, least it wasn't happening to humans."
I pause, "guess you're right; they are agricultural machinery."
Not seeing Nilofar about, I wonder if she's in back. I enter the kitchen area. Around a corner, 2 people are talking; one Washington, machinegunner; the other unknown.
Washington laughs, "I mean come on, what a wimp, with a capital W. No wonder she's stuck being Major forever. We had firepower, shoulda offed the lot ourselves."
I don't intervene. Washington is entitled to her opinion and it is a private conversation.
The gentle reply comes, "my guess, her orders were simply hold the bridge, protect the city. Wander away shooting, some of them droids'll make it to town."
"Never thought of that."
I walk away feeling depressed. The sadism of the other Maj has echoes in my very unit. We got some twisted people here.
Lunchtime I'm about to hand in my tray, go for a nap, when Nilofar shows, "mind if I join you?"
"I'd welcome company."
We make small talk, not last night, the old days.
"Well Maj, gotta go now. Next year makes my 20. I'm gone the exact day. Army is getting too crazy."
"I'm not far behind you. What'll you do? Active, healthy, you won't watch tonsa TV?"
"Private members clubs are hiring door security. Pays better than army sgt."
"But that's crazy too. It's a form of apartheid, like supporting a South Africa regime."
She replies gently, "pick up that newspaper, read the classifieds, then tell me how many jobs are lily-white morally?"
I blush, "sorry, didn't mean to preach."
"No offence taken, we're still friends."
Out of curiosity I fetch the paper from the rack.
The Porn Palace is about as much eyesore as you'll get. 2 stories, an entire city block, its obscene 100 foot tall flashing neon figurines light up the night sky. It seeks a dozen cashiers and stockers.
Droid repairs cover 1 1/2 pages. One solitary ad stands bravely alone in seeking one solitary industrial droid tech. The rest, you guessed it, sex droid techs.
Bar help - 6 pages of ads.
A page of security - mostly private members clubs.
Tobacco, liquor, fast food, casinos.
Pretty hard to find something which does not harm your fellow humans in some way.
Taking paper in hand, I enter the kitchen, "look Nilo, I'm sorry, really sorry for how I came across. I see exactly what you mean."
"Maj, it's a sad sick world. Only reason you don't know, you live quietly. Other than ugly tours, you see the world through rose-colored glasses. So, I turn the question around. What will you do when you retire?"
I blush, "gotta give it some serious thought. Thanks for the learning experience."
"No prob, we are both Afghans."

Sunday morning Meena is twice as hungover. With shaking hands, both on the coffee cup, she drinks it black.
"In the mood for a laugh?"
"That would be wonderful, take my mind off the pain."
"Just be glad you aren't a man who owns a Model X10 from Consolidated Droids."
"How so?"
With a flourish I pass the paper, "headline no less. 18 million recall. Seems they are producing ah shall we say intimate injuries."
"Lemme see that," after reading it, "for every one of those injuries, that's a customer lost for life. Not just for Consolidated, for all the other manufacturers. Could lead to economic collapse."
Deadpan I reply, "well, least the sugar beet plantation can find replacements cheap. 2 cents on the dollar, I'm guessing. Own any Consolidated shares?"
"What kinda question is that? You know I blow every dollar. You own any?"
"By a happy coincidence, not one. I do own competitor shares."

By late Monday afternoon, my shares have doubled in value. I sell. Better to sell a month too early than a day too late. Minutes after the broker confirms my money is now resting in Treasury notes, my com device beeps, Brig-Gen Federenko, "Maj, take 4 APC's and go to Porn Palace."
"They have a long line of customer returns?"
"Don't be such a smart ass. It's over 2 1/2 miles long, very antsy. Only a matter of time til they burn the place down."
"Would that really be a huge loss?"
"No, it would not. But a fire would endanger other nearby businesses. Now get rolling."
"Yes ma'am."
All it takes is to show. Nothing like looking down the snout of an 88 mm cannon. Now the lineup is peaceful. 2 am it's over, line done.
The store manager says, "Maj, gather your troops please. I'd like to say a few words."
I do.
"First, the Army is doing a fabulous job. You people came through for us hugetime. We don't forget our friends. I know it's against rules to donate money, but I've checked, gift certificates are permitted. $500 gift certificate to each of you and thanks from the bottom of my heart."
We drive away. I ponder, feel sick, revolted. Yet who am I to make moral judgements of others? Last I checked, I wasn't God.

Next evening, I go there, wondering if I can find anything not too sick. To my surprise, I leave with a beautiful new handheld computer.
On the Metro ride back, I call up news. By latest count, the X10 caused 3 dozen injuries.
Ministry of Health announces every victim is entitled to corrective surgery, 100% financed by government. Easy to see why, things like this threaten the entire droid industry.
It has a calming effect on the stock market. Consolidated has regained most of the lost ground. Other shares drift down to pre-crisis level.
Porn Palace has a trick of their own. Any man who had to return an X10 is now entitled to a 25% discount on any purchase for the entire next year. Kinda markup in those stores, they'll still make money.


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