
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Futuristic Infantry 11

Soon after the S&M crowd is released, the media circus starts again. Arezou has received a leave of absence to do a film. Not just any film, she will star in a mega blockbuster S&M flick. If media figures are correct, in a few months she will earn 30 years of a Maj salary.
I decide not to be judgmental; between her and God; she isn't breaking any law doing it.
When I read of her role, I choke though. She doesn't even play a human, but an uber-droid, ubermistress who will take you to the very edges of pain/pleasure. Surely, she's setting Womens' Lib back by a century.
By now, the public is immensely curious about the Other Maj Z. Bowing to the inevitable, Army Public Relations awards the interview to a pro-forces network. Not scripted, that would be too stilted; half hour of softball questions.
He starts by asking about the list of tours I've been on. Hones in on how I won the 3 decorations, 2 in Sudan, 1 in New Guinea. He's very subtle, skilful. Watching after, I realize it's a masterpiece. I come across as very modest, quiet. No brag at all, it was him doing it with his leading questions.
Army PR is ecstatic, presents us in a good light.
My half hour of fame is over, I go back to being obscure me. Well, not totally. Col Pearson goes for another rest. So once again it falls on me to command the 3 battalions. Meena gets A/Maj; Lt Duncan, A/Capt.

Meena gasps, pointing to the mess TV, "come on, they shouldn't show stuff like that. This news show is watched by kids." It's the ad for The Silver Paddle, Arezou's film and it's graphic.
I nod.
"Rumor has it," she gives a wicked smile, "there's a scene where she paddles the entire staff of a TV station."
Absolutely straight face, I reply, "well, hafta see it then."
Meena gasps, pulls out her wallet, "got a ten here, says you ain't got enough nerve."
"You're on, we'll go together."
I hate to say it, but it actually seems boring. No plot, no dialogue to speak of, costumes you'd expect from a high-school drama club. Without the notoriety of their mega-star, they would not have a prayer.
And yet, it proves a mega-hit, Hollywood yaps about a sequel.
One thing I'd die before I'd ever admit to Meena. See, I have dreams. So, just how pure does that make me? From what I've heard, long as it stays a fantasy, you're ok. Start to act it out and it's the slippery slope.
As the dream repeats itself, I remember more and more detail. Then I realize there is zero eroticism. It's the sheer sadistic joy of paddling men, pure resentment.
This gets me wondering about Arezou. Does she feel the same? Or maybe, both ways. Thinking back to the film, I realize, she has both.
So that's the secret to the film's success. I would have imparted nothing but driven bitten energy. Arezou did that, but also oozing in sex and eroticism.
Meena looks across at me, "you feeling ok?"
Too abrupt, "yes."
"Come on now, ever since that movie, you seem different. Wishing it was you up on the screen."
I blush fiercely, don't reply.
"Good, I was worried about you. Now I know you're human after all, not an ice sculpture. In your case though, I'm guessing you don't see it as sexy at all. Pure spite, pure revenge, am I right?"
I nod.
"Wanna try for real?"
I gasp.
"Saturday, gonna swing the paddle at those journalists. Come along, they'd love the variety."
"I ah well ah"
"Good you're on."

Meena grins cheekily, "slaves, clothes off, hands and knees."
They rush to obey.
"Brought my apprentice along. She's gonna leave fairly quick."
"Silence slaves. She will give you each a dozen, a warm up. I will then give the whole 9 yards."
As I work my way down the row, it feels wonderful. I soon have the wrist motion to give it more bite.
As I ride the Metro back, I realize it was pretty silly. Forget any momentary thrill, I was had, giving pleasure to men.
Next day Meena smiles, "soooo?"
I blush, "that's insane. Like I'm giving pleasure to the enemy."
"Thought you'd say that. I'm guessing last night gets it outa your system. Back to being you."
Sure enough the dreams fade, mostly.

Knowing so little about the topic, it comes as a surprise. I'm ordered to attend a press conference. The CEO of Consolidated Droids will do the handover. I'm guessing they were desperately short of officers with any involvement and I was sent to boost army numbers.
The CEO is allowed to save face on the flopped infantry idea. Never once is the word janitorial used, only "maintenance."
In front of a huge media crowd he proudly presents documents for several thousand droids and associated repair parts.
Dreading the social hoohaw after, I decide to leave immediately after the formal presentation, before the refreshments. Besides, I do have lotsa paper to do.
Col Kent intercepts me smoothly, "oh no, don't be rude, hang around a bit."
The business editor of the local rag appears. As luck would have it, he was one of Saturday's event. Smile, "well Col, we meet again. Meena says you did ok on the stock market."
"Ah well."
"I can guess the sort. Better to sell a month too early than a day too late."
I blush.
"Don't be ashamed. Fear and greed are the 2 biggest enemies of investors."
"Well, I did double my money on International."
"That's as well as anyone did. You gonna join us again?"
"Would it be rude to ask why?"
"I'm very old-fashioned."
"If you were, you wouldn't have come the first time. Here's what I see on you. You don't see it as sexy at all. This is revenge for all those times the parents favored the brothers, for the unequal job market, for having to maintain dignity and effectiveness in a massively underfunded organization."
I nod.
"So what is the harm in letting off a little steam? You could still swing a paddle."
I start to back away, "you have no idea how much paper I have to do."
Col Kent intercepts me, introduces me to Mr Ferguson, CEO, "Col such an honor to meet you. Col Kent tells me you were a huge contributor to the project."
Just his tone, I can tell the army is lying to him. Never told him janitorial.
"Sir it was very generous of you. Our funding is touchy."
"The day will come Col, when pretty much everything dangerous is done by droids. Save lives, disabilities. It was a huge honor to help that process along."
As he leaves, I feel like a fraud. I wasn't much of a contriboutor, nor was the army honest.
My attitude toward the business set changes a bit. Now I see it is possible to be a CEO, a patriot and a visionary all rolled into one. Truth is, I admire him.


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