Lily 23
I'm not sure where I am. I have been in USAF sick bay before, this looks very similar. Only I have my own room, come on, a Capt does not rate that.
Only way I can tell passage of time is soldiers bring food, most of which I don't feel like eating. Soldiers seem odd, won't talk with me, funny lettering on the badges. Scruffy too - bet they get into trouble time to time.
I mostly dream, think of school and pre-war days in Louisiana. I'm getting a bit ticked, like to get out, get back to my buddies.
Virgil, the Lt copilot, still owes me $10 from the last poker game. When is he ever gonna pay?
And when will they find my mail, bring it? Love to hear from Mary Lou and the parents.
Finally, I realize the problem is me. Dizzy, fainting after the Ploesti trip. They don't trust me medically anymore, it'll be a discharge or desk job.
At first this makes me angry. Anger soon vanishes, as I shrug. Come on, USAF never bothered to listen to the opinions of Captain Robert E Lee Beauregard before, why would they start now?
And then one of the soldiers attaches a mirror to the wall. So it is I gradually realize who I really am.
I look different. Heat singed the fine hairs off my arms, gave my face a steel mill worker look. Couple days of moisturizers and I look like me again.
I meet with Col and Gen.
Gen smiles wickedly, first trap was the ammo. Either way, if you'd opted for 2,400 or 7,200, end of computer game, you'd be dead, virtually of course. But this is proof you understand that sometimes one must break the rules, but do so in a balanced way.
Col grins, you outflew the original Capt Beauregard by a long shot. Came home with half as many holes. Even brought back more corn. They laugh.
Gen takes on a serious look, Job One, you came back under your own steam.
It starts to dawn.
He continues, irrelevent how little or much time it takes. Critical thing, you made the choice, didn't need drugs administered. They have unpleasant side effects.
Col smiles wanly, it's that hard coming back from an intense one day virtch, now imagine real time travel.
They will be in touch, in due course.
At my next meeting there is a visitor. Face rings a bell, the author and Professor Nitikman.
Gen makes the introduction, states this time we will all speak in generalities, refrain from specifics, yields the floor to Prof.
Prof turns to me, types let's begin with some philosophy. Now gather together a Saskatchewan Tory (Conservative) and New Democrat (Socialist). Would you agree debate would be fierce on those issues confined to Saskatchewan's borders?
Perhaps an overstatement, not everyone approaches politics with real passion.
I stand corrected. Would you agree that in many such cases, there would be hot debate?
To that, most certainly.
Ok, move the debate topic on to the doings of Revenue Canada or the bilingual authority in Ottawa. Is there more likely to be consensus or debate between these two?
Consensus would be more likely.
And if they discuss the doings of the US President?
Almost certainly consensus.
Now take a Saskatchewan Tory, a farmer and a Toronto Tory, a stockbroker. Is it possible they disagree on tax system issues?
Oh yes.
And yet, these same two could comfortably converse on the USA or Middle East, could they not?
Ok, take the same stockbroker, send him to an American convention. Meets with mostly Republican Party members or sympathisers. He could get into a debate on Canada-US relations, right?
Yet on topics such as NATO, European Union, Middle East, there would be a general consensus.
Ok, now I make the argument that in each case I gave, there are more similarities that bind the participants together than there are differences which divide. Reasonable statement?
I ponder a moment. Yes Prof, a truism, maybe not true in 100% of cases, could be things like personality conflicts.
Excellent, now let us consider the entire English-speaking world. Consider the overall homogenization of things like clothing, vehicles, politics, food, literature, music. Would you agree that the English speaking world has far more that binds it together than it has differences?
So the Saskatchewan farmer probably has more in common with the New York stockbroker than he has in common with a small farmer in India?
On most issues.
Excellent, one last question. Since the English-speaking world has so much in common, could you plant an observer in any English country and observe all of them effectively?
Yes and no, Prof. No, in that there could be data overload. Yes, in that if a study had scope to avoid date overload, it could be highly effective.
With a triumphant smile, Prof Nitikman yields the floor.
Gen smiles, let us assume you were offered a choice of infiltrating post 9/11 Canada, USA or Israel. Which would you choose and why?
Canada, hands down. Israel is more like an extended family than a real nation. Everyone knows someone who knows someone else. Lot harder to just show up out of thin air. USA, totally gone on its paranoia, strangling on it. Canada, be perfect, just appear in Toronto. If anyone does get around to asking, vaguely refer to coming from a Saskatchewan farm. Unlikely they'll demand more specifics.
This gets all three laughing.
Col smiles soberly, and now the $64 question. Given that you must make a living, what cover story would be best?
Avoid the trades, professions like the plague. Changed so much over the centuries you'd give yourself away in an hour. Go for a menial job, like dishwasher. Long as it's nothing handling cash, they won't worry about references.
From the looks on all three, I've just hit a homer outa the park.
Only way I can tell passage of time is soldiers bring food, most of which I don't feel like eating. Soldiers seem odd, won't talk with me, funny lettering on the badges. Scruffy too - bet they get into trouble time to time.
I mostly dream, think of school and pre-war days in Louisiana. I'm getting a bit ticked, like to get out, get back to my buddies.
Virgil, the Lt copilot, still owes me $10 from the last poker game. When is he ever gonna pay?
And when will they find my mail, bring it? Love to hear from Mary Lou and the parents.
Finally, I realize the problem is me. Dizzy, fainting after the Ploesti trip. They don't trust me medically anymore, it'll be a discharge or desk job.
At first this makes me angry. Anger soon vanishes, as I shrug. Come on, USAF never bothered to listen to the opinions of Captain Robert E Lee Beauregard before, why would they start now?
And then one of the soldiers attaches a mirror to the wall. So it is I gradually realize who I really am.
I look different. Heat singed the fine hairs off my arms, gave my face a steel mill worker look. Couple days of moisturizers and I look like me again.
I meet with Col and Gen.
Gen smiles wickedly, first trap was the ammo. Either way, if you'd opted for 2,400 or 7,200, end of computer game, you'd be dead, virtually of course. But this is proof you understand that sometimes one must break the rules, but do so in a balanced way.
Col grins, you outflew the original Capt Beauregard by a long shot. Came home with half as many holes. Even brought back more corn. They laugh.
Gen takes on a serious look, Job One, you came back under your own steam.
It starts to dawn.
He continues, irrelevent how little or much time it takes. Critical thing, you made the choice, didn't need drugs administered. They have unpleasant side effects.
Col smiles wanly, it's that hard coming back from an intense one day virtch, now imagine real time travel.
They will be in touch, in due course.
At my next meeting there is a visitor. Face rings a bell, the author and Professor Nitikman.
Gen makes the introduction, states this time we will all speak in generalities, refrain from specifics, yields the floor to Prof.
Prof turns to me, types let's begin with some philosophy. Now gather together a Saskatchewan Tory (Conservative) and New Democrat (Socialist). Would you agree debate would be fierce on those issues confined to Saskatchewan's borders?
Perhaps an overstatement, not everyone approaches politics with real passion.
I stand corrected. Would you agree that in many such cases, there would be hot debate?
To that, most certainly.
Ok, move the debate topic on to the doings of Revenue Canada or the bilingual authority in Ottawa. Is there more likely to be consensus or debate between these two?
Consensus would be more likely.
And if they discuss the doings of the US President?
Almost certainly consensus.
Now take a Saskatchewan Tory, a farmer and a Toronto Tory, a stockbroker. Is it possible they disagree on tax system issues?
Oh yes.
And yet, these same two could comfortably converse on the USA or Middle East, could they not?
Ok, take the same stockbroker, send him to an American convention. Meets with mostly Republican Party members or sympathisers. He could get into a debate on Canada-US relations, right?
Yet on topics such as NATO, European Union, Middle East, there would be a general consensus.
Ok, now I make the argument that in each case I gave, there are more similarities that bind the participants together than there are differences which divide. Reasonable statement?
I ponder a moment. Yes Prof, a truism, maybe not true in 100% of cases, could be things like personality conflicts.
Excellent, now let us consider the entire English-speaking world. Consider the overall homogenization of things like clothing, vehicles, politics, food, literature, music. Would you agree that the English speaking world has far more that binds it together than it has differences?
So the Saskatchewan farmer probably has more in common with the New York stockbroker than he has in common with a small farmer in India?
On most issues.
Excellent, one last question. Since the English-speaking world has so much in common, could you plant an observer in any English country and observe all of them effectively?
Yes and no, Prof. No, in that there could be data overload. Yes, in that if a study had scope to avoid date overload, it could be highly effective.
With a triumphant smile, Prof Nitikman yields the floor.
Gen smiles, let us assume you were offered a choice of infiltrating post 9/11 Canada, USA or Israel. Which would you choose and why?
Canada, hands down. Israel is more like an extended family than a real nation. Everyone knows someone who knows someone else. Lot harder to just show up out of thin air. USA, totally gone on its paranoia, strangling on it. Canada, be perfect, just appear in Toronto. If anyone does get around to asking, vaguely refer to coming from a Saskatchewan farm. Unlikely they'll demand more specifics.
This gets all three laughing.
Col smiles soberly, and now the $64 question. Given that you must make a living, what cover story would be best?
Avoid the trades, professions like the plague. Changed so much over the centuries you'd give yourself away in an hour. Go for a menial job, like dishwasher. Long as it's nothing handling cash, they won't worry about references.
From the looks on all three, I've just hit a homer outa the park.
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