
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Time Corps 25

We invite Tasma and Parvana to lodge with us, beats that flimsy tent.
As Fatima wraps her arms around me, I can tell, holding on way too tight, jealous, insecure.
Nuance isn't hard to see, by now 2100, the entire world is cool with the gay and lesbian scene, not that, she simply fears being left out, ignored.
Parvana must recognize this, sets out to show Fatima there is no problem. Soon has her laughing with endless hilarious AAW stories. The message is not lost on Fatima, end up with more attention, not less.
We return from our first day of journey. Bedtime, I can sense the difference, Fatima is holding on normal now, relaxed.
After several days of exploring sites, Fatima quietly says, "she's ok mum, go for it if you like, I'm cool with it."
Fatima may be, but I'm not, still old-fashioned, circa 2000.
One day as Fatima vanishes behind the rocks, Parvana asks, "so, racial? Don't like Afghans or any non-Indians? Or don't like AAW? Maybe don't like me?"
"I ah well ah well .."
I feel her eyes boring straight into me, "ah ha, got it now. Your secret, time travel. Fascinating combination of things you don't know that you should, if you really were from our time."
"It's ah well ah a long story."
"Shipwrecked? Stranded? Hey, cry on my shoulder, I like you, think you're attractive."
"Just give me time. I think you an ok person, but as a friend. I come from rather more prudish times."
"Fair enough, no pressure, you set whatever pace. Your daughter, definitely from these times."
"I'm shipwrecked and so is she; but not from the same ship."
"I like her. Smart enough to know she won't lose out with 2 mums."
"I'm not anyone's possession, not some stay-at-home submissive little wifey."
"Come on, I wouldn't want that crap. AAW is perennially short of English teachers, hire you in one nanosecond. To say nothing of French or math."
"All right, long as I'm independent, let's just say I'm more open-minded than I was this morning."
She laughs, "good, if you don't like me, plenty others coming soon."
"I sense a 'but' in that."
"But stay with the officer class. Not into physical abuse. Your size, be careful."
I just laugh, "ever looked at my knuckles?"
"Ah, so you've done some martial arts training. Right, stay with the officer class for the more interesting conversations then."
We both laugh. In that moment, I decide I like her.
Tasma must have caught the body language. Cheerfully tells Fatima, "let's you and me drive over there, real nice scenery. Think these 2 got too much boring map stuff to talk."
As the jeep pulls away, I smile, quietly say, "promise to be very gentle, first time ever."
"That round face, considered ugly back home with other Indians?"
I nod.
"Well I think you're beautiful. Come, let's ..."
As we wait for the jeep to return, I ponder it's a long time before Fatima gives up sleeping draped all over me. Gotta attend to this days.

Over a field lunch, Tasma grins, "that's the third time Indira saved butt, fixing the jeep. She's done all the site selection work. Maybe just pin the Lt bars on her?"
Parvana laughs indulgently, "is madness you're speaking. As if she'd wear em. Where she comes from, add 3 or 4 or even 5 zeroes to everything in the budget. Real professional army."
"If that's so, how come she knows that jeep so well?"
"Ah Indira, care to answer?"
"Sure, one month every year, do your time with the Reservists, use stuff like that. Regulars don't."
Tasma grins, "ah ha, knew it. From Minute One, I knew you were pulling a number on us, knew lots more about the jeep than you were letting on."
"I had a very capable Sgt, Afghan ancestry, also a friend, taught me well."
"Sgt friend get shipwrecked too?"
"Nah, just me, pilot, co-pilot."
"They dead?"
"Came down in water so icy, you live a minute. Don't like their odds."
"So how'd you live through it?"
"Ask Fatima."
"Right Fatima, how'd she live?"
"Because I prayed so."
Parvana's and Tasma's eyes search Fatima's face, gauging the sincerity.
Tasma breaks the awful silence, "now I understand. Wanted her as your mother."
Edge of tears, Fatima nods, smiles.
Parvana ruffles her hair, "good for you. Faith like that moves mountains. So Indira, where was the crash?"
"Labrador Sea, middle of 'Iceberg Alley', off the coast of Greenland."
She blanches, "my God. Saw that on the news. Right ugly. Absolute miracle you're still alive. Researchers spent months on the motor and hull alloy, could not decipher squat. We're talking way off in the future, right?"
I nod.
"How far?"
"Ten thousand years."
She whistles softly, "your guess. Sabotage? Crappy maintenance? Metal fatigue?"
"Had lotsa time to think. Definitely sabotage. No such thing as lousy maintenance, except for Reserves. Rhythm on the starboard engine was irregular long before we hit cold."
"Guesses as to why?"
"Neo-Nazis were less than happy."
Everyone gasps.
After a moment, Parvana shrugs, "well their loss, our gain. Tasma, nary a word of this or I cut your tongue out. For all we know, they're still searching for her; after all, they know only 2 bodies were found. Here on in, she's any other stranded traveller."
Tasma nods, "gonna teach English?"
"I'd like to."


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