
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Futuristic Infantry 15

My T4 income form arrives in the mail. I take the preprinted T1 income tax blank I've received, enter my figures. My income, hence income tax, is below the exemption level. Interest and capital gains are exempt, part of government policy to favor investment. In 3 minutes, job is done. Eat your heart out, circa 2000 people.
Yes, we women may be discriminated against, but there are compensations. For men, the form takes half a day, swallows up just over half their income.
The flow of privates and corporals starts, seeking help with the form. See in our army, privates have zero paper. Corporals do little beyond attendance lists. The lion's share of paper is for sergeants and officers.
We have a large number of nearly illiterate and nearly innumerate people. So why aren't Lt's and Capt's helping me with this? It was a huge debate years ago. Some were willing to help; others, not. Those who weren't, felt the others made them look bad. So, I ended with the job. Still I don't mind. It is easy and a chance to chat for a few moments with everyone in my command. But kiss goodbye to a week of productive work.
As I ponder my now more paper-stricken desk, the phone rings. Brig-Gen Federenko says, "Maj, take 6 APC's and a full company. Get rolling toward Prison for Homosexuals. Once you're enroute, we talk."
"Rolling now, ma'am."
"Crash course in civil service unions. The outer perimeter people are a separate union, in a legal strike position. The inside people, such as living unit guards and kitchen have an ongoing contract. The insiders are not allowed to go on sympathy strike. The outsiders are not allowed to impede the passage of inside people. With me so far?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Good, first make sure the outside union isn't harassing the inside. Other than that, it's perimeter security till they return to work."
We roll up. By the amount of laughing and joking during the shift change, I deduce the 2 unions are at peace. So I set up perimeter patrols.
With zip to do, I think. Talk about inequality. Women are permitted any form of sex with the exceptions of bestiality or sex with underage. Yet men, risk a prison sentence, heavy duty psychotherapy and even drug therapy. So why?
Maybe it is economic. Allow homosexuality and the droid industry would suffer a downturn. Whereas women, since their sex generates not one dollar of Gross National Product, are irrelevent. So inconsequential, it is pointless to legislate against lesbianism.
After 24 hours, we return to base as the government negotiators return to the bargaining table.
In the days to come, I think a lot. See I did my Masters Thesis on circa 2000 times. In those days the figure 10% gay was mooted around. Ok, so maybe it is out by a percent or two, but you get the point. There are millions of men hidden away in our society, a huge underclass.

A week later, I'm again in action. A temp agency is under siege. The armored car with their payroll is late and several hundred disgruntled temps threaten mayhem.
Again, all it takes is to show and they form into an orderly line. Twenty minutes later, the armored car appears. As we drive back, I ponder. Only men in that line. All $8 an hour jobs for a day here or week there. Stuff that isn't worth programming droids to do.
By contrast, women temps don't exist anymore. All female jobs, despite low pay, are permanent and full time.
So there are men out there living worse than women. But as I recall, most looked like members of the drinking class.

Half mile from campus, I sit in the one remaining public coffee house.
Two obvious profs are 2 tables away. After various small talk on the theme of English Lit, one asks, "if you don't mind, how can you afford to go for that extra sabbatical year?"
Gentle smile, "my friend, I'm so deathly tired of undergrads, such no-minds. I have a burning desire to write a real novel. Leased a rundown house on a remote Greek island. So, how'd I do it? First, look at your income tax form, then look at your droid bills. If you decide you can ah use the time-honored method of the Ancients, your living costs are near zero."
"You have been practising? Seeing what it's like without droids?"
"No real difference in sensation. Lot more free time, without all that endless jealousy droids have. Only drawback, gotta do housework."
"No way, Greece is poor, hire a grandmother to come in once a week."
"Well, it would give me more writing time."
"What is the theme?"
"The Ancients. Circa 2000. Just love that time, larger than life. Going to do a political thriller in that epoch."
"Cool, no political thrills nowadays, just political boredom."
Both laugh.

Two grad student/sessionals arrive. After some small talk, one asks, "I'm curious. How'd you manage to give just 2 classes this time? Sure gives more time for your thesis."
Grin, "only got one droid now. Also, saves me the whole jealousy routine."
I reflect, that is how evolution or revolution happens. Starts at the top end of the education sprectrum.
Tonight's public lecture is on Voluntary Simplicity. Three speakers give their experience on consciously cutting back on consumption.
One man keeps only one droid now. Works 6 months, spends the other 6 in a tiny cottage in the country. Another, an aspiring artist, also down to one droid, now has a day job of 2 days a week and lotsa time to develop his art. A third is retired at age 42, investment income now covering his reduced expenses.
Audience questions run the gamut, everything from massively ignorant to obvious there has been considerable thought already.
As I ride home, I reflect I am not a participant, merely an observer. It's not like I have any real scope to cut consumption. Still, it is interesting to see the ferment of our society. Bit of a backlash to massive no-mind, over-the-top consumerism.

Meena gasps, hands the paper, "look at that ad."
For the first time ever, I see an ad on leasing droids. This promises no credit checks, a damage deposit and a reasonable monthly fee. We are both stunned. Surely this implies there is hidden poverty out there and/or the companies are having problems selling.
Right next to the ad, a story on the Central Bank dropping interest rates 1/2 of 1% to stimulate flagging consumer demand.
Neither Consolidated nor International Droids are doing well on the stock market these days. I think back to advice I got from my paddllee. Yes, my portfolio has done well.


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