
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Field Commission 24

After what seems forever, I awake, feeling sick and feverish. Taking in my surroundings, I'm in none other that my erstwhile bedroom at Franny's. I stand to look in the mirror, feel dizzy, lie back down. But it's enough to know I got the 1/10 of 1% variant - back to being a kid.
Franny appears, "you ok dear?"
"Feel awful, maybe some water please."
I go back to sleep and when I awake, doubt is already starting to form. There is nothing concrete to prove what I went through - probably only a dream.
I mope around for several hours til I discover the paper Parvana gave me. Now I'm wild with frustration. All day Saturday, even after supper time, get nothing but a busy signal.
Just after lunch Sunday, no further ahead, I decide to walk there. Hmm house seems exactly as Parvana described - maybe I'm in luck.
I ring the doorbell. A woman appears, midage, Afghan, looks kind, resembles Parvana, "yes dear?"
"Ma'am I've tried phoning and get nothing but busy signals."
She chuckles.
"I'd like to see Parvana."
"She's not feeling well, but a visitor might cheer her up. Come right in dear."
She knocks at a bedroom door, "Parvana honey, school friend to see you."
"Go away."
"Come on honey, open up. She'll just stay a minute, then go."
Sharper tone, "I said go away."
For the first time I speak, "it's Lily."
I hear bed springs, the door opens just a crack. She grabs my arm, pulls me in, hugs me, "thank heavens you came."
We chat all afternoon, before she gets to the real point, "you see, look at the map. I'm in the zone where I have no choice of school. You're right on the border line, could choose either. So, if it's really true you don't have friends there, if you really like me, would you switch schools?"
"Sure, I'll go in first thing tomorrow to fill the form."
This sets her crying. As I wipe her eyes, she says, "you won't get back in time for supper. Just stay here, phone your aunt."
Her big sister has the look of having been on the phone forever. She rolls her eyes, speaks to her friend, "sorry gotta go now. One of Parvana's geeky little friends needs to call home."
As she glares at me, I phone Franny, spend all of 30 seconds assuring her I am ok and will be staying here for supper.
Sis punches speed dial, "why I thought the little geek would just never shut up, yapped forever. So, what you wearing tomorrow?"
I roll my eyes, try not to laugh, so overdone she is ridiculous.
Parvana looks at me quizzically, "you don't hate her?"
"What is to hate? Half them that age are like that; 3/4 probably."
I'm in the same class as Parvana, locker next to hers. As I dig out my history text, I feel an arm wrapped round me, feels so nice, the warmth, "just so you know, might be wise to stay awake in history class. Never know what the future will bring."
"Tell you what, I will if you will."
"Deal," her warm smile tells me all will be ok.


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