
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Green Lake 11

My hand shakes as I read the email, Dear John letter from Ariel. While he likes me, had sort of hoped we might click, other issues take precedence. He feels like a traitor for abandoning Israel. Now, if he were living in reduced circumstances, the guilt might be less. But here he is, making ten times as much on the New York exchange. The level of guilt is driving him insane.
I cry for a couple days, then shrug. Any country which can inspire that level of motivation will last over time. Sad to say, neither Canadians nor Americans have even a fraction of the sense of duty.
A few days later, email from Rachel. Thanks me profusely for keeping my word. Had I not, things would have been far more difficult for him.

The young Lieutenant who'd questioned me at the mike, falls into step, "so Col, how are things today?"
"Just fine, and yourself?"
She takes out a man's photo, "you see Col, it wasn't just me talking, everyone felt that way. Like we'd hafta shoot our way in from Day One. Night and day, shooting in the pinetrees. But you opened our eyes, showed us it could be done without even firing a shot. Everyone was more relaxed, not surprisingly, lot of us met new guys. Going there on my next leave."
"I wish you well."
"But if you've been to Chernobyl 2, everything looks easy after."
I laugh, "go on, my Sgt did most of it, deserved the Silver Star."
"Maybe so, but this trip to Canada, was you, not her. You've paid your debt."

Tasmina smiles sheepishly, "you in a good mood or should I come back?"
"My ear is yours, any hour, night or day, proceed."
"Well uh it's goodbye. Got enough time for the 20 year pension. Buying Rachel's coffee house."
"She going to Israel?"
"Yeah, well it was a reasonable price, makes tons of money, HQ customers."
"Que sera sera, who is up next as RSM? Should I think of retiring?"
She laughs, "not just yet, give her a chance, it's Zohra."
"She just plain doesn't like me."
"Reading her wrong. Soon as we heard it was you, she was telling all her people of your achievements. Loosen up, give her a chance, just quieter than me."
"Ok, enjoy, send the odd email."
"Oh go on, you'll end up back in HQ. I tell the waitresses, you get a 2% discount."
This sets us both laughing.

I opt for an informal setting, see Zohra exit the PX, "got a minute to spare please?"
"Sure Col."
"I hear lotsa griping. Maneuvers too boring. So, take your time, when you're ready, I want 3 creative, off-the-wall ideas. I'll choose the best one."
She grins, "thank you so much for your confidence, Col."

Heidi and Gretchen vanish next, early pension plus partners in a famous bar.
This leaves just Zohra and me from the now-epic raid on Chernobyl 2.
"Right Zohra, like the middle one best. I announce it, not claim it's my idea, just imply. If it flops, stays that way, my idea. If it works, I tell the rumor mill it came from you."
"Very kind of you Col."
"Not so much kind, as just give you a chance to build credibility in that new job."
She laughs, "yeah, guess you already earned yours in the pinetrees."

"Testing, hands up all who hear clearly. Good, now a very thorough review of past training exercises has been done. During the last 15 years, 318th Para has done every group-bonding exercise known to mankind."
Proud looks.
"Maybe even went too far. See, we aren't infantry, who roll up in neat or sort of neat columns. We're paras, wind, fog, cloud, navigation error can scatter us. End up in pickup groups or even alone. So the overall purpose of this is to promote group formation under combat conditions. We got loads of river space in the back 40. The ostensible job will be guarding the river against invaders across the way. But not in your neat little groups. We string you out according to a lottery draw."
I see looks of outrage.
"Look at the bright side. Come back, you've got new coffee friends, heard of different jobs and hometowns. Just give it an honest chance."
The outrage turns to resignation.

By the end of Day 3, I can clearly see, except for the odd anti-social, it's a mega-hit. Lotta new friendships forming up well. So, I casually feed the news into the grapevine that it was really Zohra's idea.
It's a magnificent time, out and about in the fresh air. Every evening, attend a different group campfire. Sure beats office work.
After our return, it's maintenance of vehicles and equipment and lotsa PT.
Once maintenance is up to date, I start to see the problem. See with my office staff, only disciplinary problems were excessive coffee breaks and cutting too much corners on paperwork.
These people, endless drunken incidents. True, most are company punishment, not for me to sort out. Still, the number of reports is staggering, pardon the pun.
Zohra sums up best, "imagine you own a cart horse, deliver milk. That's equivalent to Finance and Admin. Now imagine owning a whole stable of racehorses, more temperamental, less real things to do any given day, that's paras."
"So what do I do? Pray for another peacekeeping mission?"
We both laugh.


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