
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Green Lake 5

By the end of 30 days, they decide I'll be ok, clear to move back to my own BOQ apartment. It's then I start to see how collossally lonely it all is. You see, my staff came round with ice cream and jokes. They simply forgave and forgot, decided the NDE had changed me.
Everywhere else, all these committees, ufff. I could be years walking through the minefield.
Realizing I have only one option left, I request transfer to operational duties.
Oh silly me, forgot to mention, it's now the year 3004, Time Corps section of the Air Force.

Meena makes no secret of her views, "f***ing insane, that's you. Go get yourself f***ing well killed. Only a man would be that f***ing stupid. What's wrong with committee meetings?"
"You wouldn't know; you don't hafta do any."
As I stare out the window a crazy thought hits. Never did give Nate the book report. What on earth will Ma say when she finds not one, but two, book reports?

General Strasser leans back in her chair. Amused look, "forgive me if I seem overly curious Captain. Aren't you a tad old for death-or-glory?"
"General, I'm not death-or-glory as you put it. View myself as a midrange adventurer."
She guffaws, "but in Finance and Admin?"
"Has its moments. Been in lotsa meetings where my presence prevented fisticuffs. Voice of financial reason and all that."
"Ok, Captain, let's be frank. Midrange stuff is all taken, by people with a lot more operational experience. One thing left only, we're talking mega-spectacular. Want to hear?"
"Think back to 2315, the World Wide Nuclear War. Photos. Medically not a thing to worry about. You get an injection which will last long enough, then fade. Makes you totally immune to radiation sickness. Rough crew, lifers in the stockade. Commuted if they get back. Come back with the photos we want, you're the youngest Colonel in the whole Air Force. Care to roll the dice?"
"Why not?"

Later that afternoon, I meet Tasmina, who'll be my Sgt. Serial killer, knocked off 23 MP's. She laughs, "gotta be f***ing insane Cap. You wanna go on a trip like that?"
"Always did like photos."
She guffaws, "well, you gonna get lotsa that."
"So, your advice on blasters please."
"Go with H&K. Hochler and Koch, German engineering, ultra-reliable. Small, handy around tight corners. 500 round mag."
I ask, "ever used the Uzi blaster?"
"Hell yes, just as good. Matter of principle, I hate Hebes, so go with H&K's."

Tasmina and I join Rachel, Gretchen, Heidi and Zohra. Happy little crew, all convicted multi-murderers. Tasmina lays down the law, "read the agreement girls. Pardon doesn't count if we don't bring shortstuff here back alive. So keep that in mind."
Rachel guffaws, "Cap be honest. First op mission?"
"Take my advice. Get in a tight spot, let Tasmina call the shots."
"I certainly can live with that."
"Good, then I can live with you, I'm in."
Gretchen smiles indulgently, "you really think I'd climb into a time machine with someone who ain't been laid in a donkey's age? How do I know but you won't attack me?"
"You got 50 pounds on me. Even if I swung that way, which I don't, I still wouldn't attack you."
"So, think this trip's gonna land you a cool new boyfriend?"
I reply, "sure. And a BMW. And enough booze to refloat the Titanic."
Zohra grins, "with us, pardon and 5 million, that's dollars, not rupees. How much they offer you?"
"Ten million, and the promotion."
Zohra smiles, "fair enough, we all got the same incentive. And since you're sensible enough to follow Tasmina's advice, I'm in."
Gretchen, "me too."
Heidi smiles, "wouldn't wanna be left out. Why they want the photos? Voyeurs?"
"Military implications, blast pattern, radiation pattern and such."
"F***ing morons, but rich f***ing morons."
For the next 3 months, we train relentlessly, up to the physical conditioning of paras. We fire H&K's from every conceivable position, 1000's of rounds. Practise photography.


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