
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Futuristic Infantry 18

One saving grace, 10/90 meetings are held in that same Reserve armory. So every month, I get a chance to see Col Anderson and buy some novellas on the way back.
She's open Tuesday to Saturday, daytime hours, does all the work herself. Given the state of public libraries, she is performing a valuable public service.
The contrast is sad. As we chat, I see women slowly browse to choose one novella. I'm used to guys grabbing a dozen mags, half dozen vids and a novella or two in less time. Average purchase in our section was just over $250, we even had shopping carts.
Here the average is $1.50, half price on a new novella price of $3.00.
After several visits, she shows me the recordkeeping. Does better than I thought. First, I've never seen Friday and Saturday, her busy days. Second, since it's an old building, rent is cheap.
An idea forms. I offer to work Saturdays for her in exchange for learning the business. She agrees provided I give assurance not to set up within 5 miles of her when I retire. Tells me to show 10:00 to 5:00 and wear my most comfortable shoes.
She does actual buying on Tuesday to Thursday, policy is unique. Won't touch non-fiction. Only buys novellas published this year or last, in good condition. Result is a sparkling up to date collection, not like the moldy atmosphere of most used book stores.
Smaller stock than the rest, but faster moving. Turns it all face out, no spines. Easier on readers' eyes, less wear and tear when people look at and reshelve books.
Small shelf space for each of romance, mystery, sci fi/fantasy and western. Her flagship is general fiction. No porn.
She explains, "if people want moldy oldies, they can go to the public library. Hasn't bought any new stock in over 10 years, just keeps open the doors. This, it's selling dignity and social acceptance. People can read and talk about the latest Lit."
She keeps a list on her palm pilot, any requests people make for stuff she doesn't have at present. As Saturdays go by, I soon get to know the regulars, see the obvious respect they have for Col Anderson.

Following the loss of boyfriend and Saturday job, Meena is a right royal pain in the you-know-what, as a friend and as a fellow officer. Itchy, twitchy, bored, drinks way too much.
And yet, I can't really condemn her, fairly typical reaction to life around here.
I try to be upbeat, even as our attendance figures sink to the bottom of the ocean. Her Co, worst offenders, small surprise, the example she sets.
One Sunday morning, she joins me at breakfast, clear-eyed, "guess what I did last night."
"I'd guess it doesn't involve booze, been awhile since payday."
She laughs easily, "you bet, broke til payday. Read one of the novellas on the reading rack. Murder mystery set within an army unit during an Ulster tour."
"Any good?"
"Nope, crap, drivel."
"So, how come you're so cheerful?"
"Decided I can do lots better. And I will."
"Lemme guess, the CO is gonna get fragged, hope it's nothing personal."
Her rich laugh and smile tells me things will be ok, "how'd you ever guess? You, or rather the depiction of you, is gonna be bumped off and most gruesomely. I've already gotta list of a dozen suspects."
I wink, "go on, surely you can do better than a dozen."
"Nope, hasta fit inside a novella, that's why I stopped at a dozen."
We laugh together and things are now better.

I receive orders to get one officer to accompany me to 10/90 meetings for 3 months, as a backup. My first thought is Meena, I discard that, not wishing to jeopardize the new sense of balance between us.
I speak with Lt Duncan. I'm honest, tell her 10/90 is meaningless now. However for a young officer, in due course, she'll face the issue. Things move in cycles, 10 years from now, the world will have more red zones again.
She cheerfully agrees to accompany me. Come on, think I'd be crazy enough to order her to?
The real prize to her is the chance to browse Col Anderson's stock, she buys a dozen.
As we ride back, she rolls her eyes, "Maj, you have the patience of a saint. How on earth do you put up with all those morons?"
"It's called maturity, hang around long enough and it's you."
"Meaning I should reconsider my career?"
"One should keep an open mind, career prospects for women aren't good anywhere."
"Gotcha Maj, bad worse and worst. We got only 'bad', makes us winners."
"Sad but true."
"So how do you put up with the Committee morons?"
"I daydream."
She laughs and we're closer to being real friends.

The Supreme Court decision tops 4,000 pages. They carefully examine Mr Kleinsasser's position. While the Charter of Rights and Freedoms itself is silent on the issue, long standing legal tradition is not.
They document 117 such decisions in the last five centuries. In every case, it was a decision to free an oppressed group, not to oppress others equally. Traditions of a modern, freedom-loving democracy blah blah.
The government is ordered to leave matters as they stand, with sexual freedom for men and women.
Gaydom is ecstatic. Hollywood is quick to announce major films starting.
Even The Silver Paddle, only partly done, promises to incorporate "smoking hot latex guy-guy action."
The publishing industry announces gay manuscripts are now welcome and will receive priority over non-gay.
The travel industry announces the first ever gay cruise.
Two separate resort complexes in Florida will be open within a year, gay only.
The droid industry announces research is resuming, but expect a year of wait to perfection.

I am formally notified to being preparations for an Ulster tour. 3rd Battalion only, going to Portadown. I show it to Meena, who twists a smile, "easy as it gets, so pro-Brit. Know what that means?"
"Yes, hard to keep our side awake. Any infiltrators could get us napping bigtime."
Two days later, Porn Palace phones, offers me Saturdays again. It's not like I'm running out on Col Anderson, she is closing her doors for several weeks of vacation.
The pace is frantic, more customers than even before, average purchase just shy of $400.
As I ride back, it hits me, lotta these guys used to be straight, switching from droiddom to gaydom with a vengenance.
So, how is it the mere thought of sex with a woman grosses them out? Yet gay sex doesn't?
Answer, sexual mores are culture specific. One is indoctrinated from childhood to believe certain things.

Social Security authorities release their annual report. On a demographic/financial basis, it looks grim. The birth rate is almost zero, has been for years, with the exception of a few tiny obscure minorities.
As the population ages, the pension time bomb ticks. Premiums rise 18% this year. That only breaks even, no ground gained on the unfunded liabilities.

The National Association of Male Taxpayers holds a news conference. They usually confine themselves to obscure provisions of the Income Tax Act. Despite this, they always get a good media turnout, through the strategem of good food and lotsa booze.
For the very first time, NAMT steps outside of the ITA. They intend to petition the Supreme Court to amend the Constitution. As droid owners contribute more to the economy, they should get a double ballot at election time.
Now this is a thinly transparent attempt to oppress women, gays, low income men and the few religious minorities without droids.
A reporter interviews the Dean of the College of Law, for his take. He names 6 previous cases where spurious issues came to court. All lost and ended up paying the government's court costs.
Not too surprisingly, NAMT never gets around to filing the intial papers. Last a reporter asked, they are still consulting legal counsel to get the correct wording.


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