
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Romance Novella 2

As Father Henri discovered the injury was M/Cpl Boisvert, his voluminous but not perfect memory spun. One of the good lads, never in trouble with the military justice system, never showing for one-on-one priestly counselling. All he knew for sure, was M/Cpl Boisvert was living common law with a Universite du Quebec history professor, as he served at CFB (Canadian Forces Base) Valcartier, where the Royal 22nd Regiment was stationed.
Darned if Father Henri could even remember whether the common law thing was current or past history. "Tell me my son, did you and your wife ever have children?"
"No Father."
Inwardly Father Henri smiled, made it easier. "Your mother and father still alive?"
"No Father, railway accident."
All right! Now the $64 question, "my son, how will your wife take this? What is the current relationship between you?"
Gallic shrug, "you know how it goes Father, only interested in the one thing."
"Could you be a little more specific?"
"Father she was ashamed of me, didn't fit with her snooty coffee house friends. Only reason we sort of stayed together was the Club Echangiste."
"Do you still live together?"
"No Father, I have a room on base. Only place we show up together is Club Echangiste. Must show as a couple, singles not allowed."
Father Henri had now decided, but let him sweat. He'll appreciate it more, be less ticked if he gets lousy luck of the draw, "I really don't know my son, you are very marginal. Risky proposition, could be man,woman; old, young; rich, poor; any race or religion. Only guarantee is reasonable physical health. Think you could cope with that?"
"Yes Father, please do it."
Cpl Leblanc interjected, "two minutes ETA for air ambulance."
It was now or never. Once air ambulance took custody the rite was forbidden, hurt their survival statistics. Laying his hands on M/Cpl Boisvert's head, Father Henri spoke in Latin.
Outside, the whoosh of the air ambulance.
Step on it, you old fart, M/Cpl Boisvert thought. Whew! Just in time!
The violent sickness in stomach sent him crawling in search of somewhere to unload. For most of an hour, he alternated between actual vomiting into the toilet and the dry heaves, sweating like a pig throughout.
Then, washing his face after, he groaned. A woman, even an Afghan to boot! Did it get any worse than that??? Sick at heart she headed back to bed, lay unable to sleep, feeling assaulted.


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