
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Rivka 4

At a lull in the conversation, a female Captain turns to me, patronizing tone, "so tell me, what's the kinkiest S&M you've done?"
Actually none, I think the whole crowd is nuts, but there they sit, expecting an answer. Best to avoid extreme stuff or they'll see through my story.
"It happened that a Minister was in town on business. I ah well that is spanked him vigorously with his belt. For the rest of the evening, I lounged back reading a book ordered him to keep licking my shoes. Any sort of lag or hesitation, another swat or two."
There's a lot of snickering, except one guy muttering about "sacrilege".
I smile sweetly, "oh my, you must have misunderstood, I meant Cabinet Minister. And no, I ain't giving clues, not even federal or provincial."
The female Capt has a stunned look, says quietly, "I know exactly who you mean, but we'll just keep it our secret."
Despite the firestorm of protest, she refuses to divulge the name.


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