
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Alien 16

My 2-i-c slides next to me, "so he hit on you!"
"I like him, we exchanged e-mail addresses."
"I suggest you hang on for dear life. Better than 99% of what floats through speed dating."
"You're preaching to the choir."
She laughs, I join in.

After 3 e-mails, the roof caves in. He's the lead story on the web. Mega-airport contractor gave him a quarter billion dollar kickback. Prime Minister and contractor are in jail, some 25 filing cabinets full of evidence against them.
I groan. What is this thing about men? Why am I so star-crossed? He seemed like a decent chap, had me totally taken in, must be charisma.
In despair, I glance at the calendar. All too soon, back to speed dating.

To make matters worse, by now the Gorgons are barely hanging on by their fingernails. They've truly had it with soaking heat, bugs, deadly boredom. By now, the Guyane Prime Minister has safely passed the rest of the balanced-budget legislation. Loans are paid off, bank accounts fattened.
The girls are going stir-crazy. Lotta drunken incidents. Three stabbings in one weekend, drunken arguments. The Guyane Police arrest some 5 dozen in a rum-bar brawl, turn them over to me. By now, cells are full with more serious cases, so I put the lot on things like KP.
As the calendar crawls with the speed of molasses in January at the North Pole, I realize I'm 3 days to end of tour, to handing over to the Behemoth Highlanders who will relieve us.
Just one more police meeting. The long-winded officer is off on vacation, so we wind up one hour and ten minutes early.
Cheerfully I set out for a good browse at the newsstand. But I never get there.
I see the same familiar girl of 8 with the same pistol. This time though, it goes off, with the trademark sound of a beamer. I black out.

Gradually I come awake. Looking around, this would be the AAW sickbay in Peshawar, Earthside. Oy!
Later in the day, Nilofar and Amira come to visit.
Nilofar grins awkwardly, "scared the daylights outa us, yes you did. Just fell asleep over a big mountain of paper. More like hibernation. Couldn't wake you up. Have wierd dreams?"
"That would qualify as understatement of the year."
Amira lowers her voice, "you mean, bout your planet."
"I was only joking, I'm an Earthling."
"No way, you were talking in some pretty strange language. Between the staff here, we know em all. Didn't resemble nothing."
"Fever talk."
"Nope, far too regular for that. You are the alien," statement of fact, not a question.
"So, what next, report me? Shoot me?"
"Heavens no, we like you, you're one of us. Covered for you. One of the girls swore up and down you were talking in Armenian."
I laugh.
"Rest, couple days we go back to school."

We hitch a ride with some foreign NGO women in a Hummer. The girls are quiet and subdued. Soon as we exit, it turns to frivolity.
Amira grins, "reckon you gotta lotta good stories."
"Later. Wolves in these parts. Let's haul ass, story time tonight."
We gather our bags, start.
Nilofar gasps, touches my shoulder, "what's this? Wasn't there a moment ago."
"Para patch and Gorgon regimental flash."
"Cool, and this?"
"Col insignia."
"You had what 2 battalions?"
"Three. Riots and such. Let's roll. Tell you later."

I watch my class file in for first day. In electroshock, my eye fastens on that same girl.
"You, up front."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Tell me what happened, quick."
"They stole you. We wanted you back. Drew names, I got the mission."
I whistle softly, then "class, welcome back from holidays."


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