
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Evelyn 2

Out the door I go, with school satchel and lunch bag. Down our narrow little street, no sidewalk on either side, no parking permitted. Most houses are only set a foot or two back from the street.
A block and a half away is Sarah's luxury townhouse condo. As I walk, I ponder. It's a stormy friendship, at least one big argument a week.
Two things only hold us together. First, we're the only Jews in James Bay Elementary. Second, we're both so far out of any competition with the rest of the girls. Me, because of those dresses, centuries old style, made by Mum. Her, the weight problem.
Surprise, she's actually ready when I arrive.
I say, "you look tired."
Goofy grin, "Dad bought a new computer game. We all sat up til 3 am. Didn't do any of my homework."
Not exactly news. He buys a new computer game every fortnight. She rarely does even half her homework.
Just as we arrive at school, Brent approaches me. Sticks out his tongue, a thumb in each ear, wiggles his hands, "my big sister saw the remake of 'Gone with the Wind'. Claims there are dresses in there just like yours."
"Dry up, bean brain."
"But she's right," he protests, "she ran prints of some of them. Take a look."
"Go away," I say, ignoring him. Ever since the time I thumped him then gave him a good spanking, he's been a total brat. Obviously angling for a rerun of the latter.
"No, don't go away," Sarah says, to my surprise. Takes a ping pong paddle out of her satchel.
His eyes go wide.
She grins, hugely, "don't be a dope. Surely even you can see you've struck out with Evelyn, she just plain doesn't like you. But see those trees over in the park. We'll go behind em after school, you pull down your pants and I give you 24. Sound like fun?"
"Yes! Oh yes!!"
"But don't think it's for free, not on your life, it's gonna cost. Every day for a week, you gotta do my math homework. Be right easy for a geek like you. We-ell, do we have a bargain?"
"Yes! Oh yes!!"
"Good, see you then."
The bell rings, Sarah and I head for our Grade Four class; Brent to the other one.
"Good morning, class."
"Good morning, Ms Henderson."
"We will now continue on the newspaper project. As you recall, each day we take one section of the local paper, discuss it some. Today, it's the business or financial section. Now what comments do your parents make about it?"
Thor waves his hand, eager to start.
"Yes Thor, go ahead."
"My Dad says of course you hafta give the job to Jews. Writing on stock market and such. After all, who knows money better? But Dad says it's a scandal which Jew they picked. The only one in town with no money? Now I ask you, what on earth would Evelyn's Mum know about the stock market?
"Lives in those three shacky streets they shoulda torn town a century ago. But the city won't, says it's near the cruise ship dock at Ogden Point, tourist attraction. And she doesn't even own a car. Now I ask you, what self-respecting stock market Jew would not own a car??"
Ms Henderson turns to me, "why not go to the source? Evelyn, do you know how it is your mother got that job?"
"She didn't ma'am."
Ms Henderson opens the paper, shows the small grainy photo to me, "but surely dear, that's here, is it not?"
"No ma'am, that's her sister."
Thor breaks into laughter, "you mean, Dad got all freaky bout something that stupid? Gonna pull a joke on him. Says he sees Evelyn's Mum in the supermarket all the time. Next time he starts shooting off his mouth, I'm gonna suggest, next time he sees her, ask for insider stock market tips."
By now the whole class is roaring with laughter.


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