
Science fiction stories chronicling Afghan women and girls.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nava 7

The dreaded Sabbath approaches. Now I sort of suspect Mum is at least partly suspicious that yes I eat some stuff at Naomi's. However on the Sabbath, this is outa the question, I am forbidden to set foot in that treyf house.
Naomi's parents don't allow her out, she's expected to hang around and be company for visitors.
How on earth am I gonna pass all that time with Mum? Can't possibly talk with her or she'll catch wise there's stuff I don't know that I should.
However my fears prove groundless. She talks on the phone a lot, (forbidden on Sabbath), and reads the paper.
Sunday morning, when all is quiet and most of the world is still sleeping in, Naomi and walk out onto the Ogden Point Breakwater.
Weather is pleasant, we chat, stare out at the ocean.
"You know Naomi," I say cheerfully, "I don't like your idea of moving to another city to be secular. Surely here is big enough to be so and it's a nice place."
Rueful smile, "you hit on the weak nerve in my theory. Cost of living over in Vancouver is atrocious."
Then I recall her argument, "and since Judaism is two-speed anyhow, means you'll have lots of company, anyone less prosperous, me for example."
"Ah, so you are sort of hoping to stay in Victoria?"
"Absolutely, love it."
"Funny one you are. I halfway thought you'd want to go to England or Ireland on some excuse."
"Nah, past history. Not a thing on earth I can do about all that stuff. Eamon is dead, meaning the farm gets inherited by someone else. Nava is who I am, whether I choose to like that or not."
She looks out to sea a long moment, then turns to me, "cool, if you stay in Victoria, then I will too. Also, let's stay friends regardless if we come out different sides of the secular-religious thing. Deal?"
Without hesitation, I reply, "deal."
She grins, "come for lunch, she won't mind, it's not the Sabbath."
On the way we trip over Rick sitting on the steps of his townhouse condo. Now that he doesn't hafta look over his shoulder afraid of his buddies, we have a pleasant chat.
(end of novella)


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